
Andrianampoinimerina (1745-1810) was a king of Madagascar, particularly of the Imerina region. Born as Ramboasalama, he became king in 1787 and ruled until his death in 1810. His reign marked a time of great change for Imerina and laid the groundwork for the unification of Madagascar under one centralized power. Here's his story.

Andrianampoinimerina was born in the village of Ambohimanga. He was the son of Queen Ranavalonandriambelomasina and Prince Andriamiaramanjaka. From a young age, he showed leadership qualities and wisdom, which destined him for an important role in Madagascar's history. In 1787, he managed to overthrow his uncle, King Andrianjafy, and take the throne of the kingdom of Ambohimanga, one of the kingdoms in Imerina.

As soon as he took the throne, Andrianampoinimerina set an ambitious goal: to unify all the kingdoms of Imerina under his rule. To achieve this, he used both diplomacy and military force. He persuaded or defeated the chiefs of neighboring kingdoms, gradually consolidating his power. In 1794, he conquered Antananarivo, which later became the capital of the unified Imerina.

Andrianampoinimerina was not only a conqueror but also a reformer. He introduced administrative, economic, and social reforms that strengthened the unity and stability of his kingdom. One of his major reforms was the reorganization of the land system. He established a collective farming system called "tavy" and "tanety," where lands were cultivated communally by communities under the supervision of local chiefs. This reform increased agricultural production and better distributed resources.

Under his reign, Andrianampoinimerina also reformed the governance system. He established a centralized administration, appointing governors to oversee the different regions of his kingdom. These governors, called "mpanomboka," were accountable to him and had to ensure the proper implementation of royal laws and orders. This centralization of power strengthened royal authority and maintained peace and order in the kingdom.

Andrianampoinimerina was also known for his wisdom and sense of justice. He created a code of laws, called "Lalàna," which governed social, economic, and political relations in his kingdom. This code of laws was based on principles of justice and fairness and aimed to protect individuals' rights while maintaining public order. Judges, or "mpanjaka," were responsible for enforcing these laws and delivering justice in case of conflicts.

Economically, Andrianampoinimerina encouraged trade and developed infrastructure. He built roads to facilitate exchanges between different regions of his kingdom and established markets where people could buy and sell goods. This stimulating economic policy improved his subjects' living conditions and strengthened the kingdom's prosperity.

Andrianampoinimerina's reign was also marked by cultural and religious innovations. He encouraged the spread of arts, music, and dance, and promoted traditional Malagasy religious practices. He was a devout believer himself and regularly consulted diviners and priests for spiritual guidance.

Andrianampoinimerina died in 1810, leaving behind a lasting legacy. His son, Radama I, succeeded him and continued the work of unifying Madagascar, completing what his father had started. Today, Andrianampoinimerina is revered as one of the greatest kings in Madagascar's history, a visionary who transformed his kingdom and laid the foundations of the modern Malagasy state.


  • Randrianja, S., & Ellis, S. (2009). "Madagascar: A Short History." University of Chicago Press.
  • Raison-Jourde, F. (1983). "Les Souverains de Madagascar." Karthala.
  • Les civilisations oubliées ( Juillet 2023). "L'Histoire du royaume Merina -Partie2". YouTube :
